Terms of Use


All information contained within this site is protected by Copyright law and is owned by Kingfisher Creative. It is forbidden to modify, publish, transmit, transfer, sell, reproduce, display or commercially exploit this content without the express written approval of its authors.


Information provided on this site is current at time of uploading. It is intended as general information only and interested parties should seek their own legal advice.

Privacy Policy

Kingfisher Creative considers the protection of privacy to be vital. We endeavour to consistently maintain the security of our website for all visitors and users. This policy outlines how Kingfisher Creative collects and uses personal information.

Other websites may be accessible from our website via hyperlinks. Our privacy policy does not cover or reflect on the procedures of these other websites. It is the responsibility of the visitor/user to evaluate the privacy policy of other websites you choose to visit.

Collected Information

To help improve the service we provide through our website, certain information is collected from your browser to this website. This information is collected as statistical information and includes: IP address; browser type; language; and access times. This website also uses cookies (explained in next section) to track pages visited and information accessed within our website. This information is for statistical reference and site analysis only.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small data file that may write to your hard disk when visiting a site. The cookie primarily contains a USER ID that aids in tracking. Cookies can also retain information that you supply to the website. This information assists in maintaining the continuity of your browsing session and access to full use of the website.

Cookies cannot read data from your hard disk or from other cookie files. They can be disabled via your browser, however this may limit your access to all functionalities of a website.

Personal Information

Some functionalities of the website will ask for the voluntary supply of personal information. This information includes:

  • name and email address for the purpose of subscribing to our e-newsletter; and
  • name, email address, contact details and message for the purpose of assisting you with an enquiry to Kingfisher Creative.

Access to and Right to Rectification of Personal Information

To access, update or remove information Kingfisher Creative holds about you, contact Kingfisher Creative directly via phone, email or enquiry form. We wish to ensure information held by Kingfisher Creative is accurate and up-to-date.

Direct Marketing

Kingfisher Creative does not collect information for direct marketing purposes, except where you have given permission by subscribing to our e-newsletter. This information is not sold to other parties and is for the express purpose of our own communication with you. At any time you can opt out by clicking unsubscribe on the e-newsletter that you receive.


Other than the above stated, Kingfisher Creative will not attempt to identify users or their browsing activities except:

  • in the event of an investigation by law enforcement: or
  • where we believe we are required to collect and produce documentation relevant to fulfil obligations to third parties; including statutory organisations under local law.

Information Disclosure

In the course of providing services you request, personal information may be shared: with authorities; third parties engaged by Kingfisher Creative to provide services to you; to protect intellectual property rights; or to enforce the Terms and Conditions of the website.


The Kingfisher Creative website uses WordPress to deliver, store and maintain our website and content. Kingfisher Creative puts in place all reasonable measures to protect personal information from loss, prohibited access, misuse, alteration, destruction or unauthorised disclosure.

Domain Names

Registrants’ Benefits and Responsibilities policy and Registrant Educational Materials. Click these links to know more.